Cities clash over road project
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After 16 years of planning, Apple Valley's Yucca Loma Bridge is finally scheduled to go to bid this summer.
What's still being debated is where drivers will go once they head west over the Mojave River, with Victorville short on funds and the City Council now opposing the route its own staff developed.
"This council is supportive of that corridor," Victorville Mayor Rudy Cabriales assured his neighbors during a meeting called to discuss the subject Tuesday. "We just have to look out for what's in our area and how it impacts our traffic."
When Apple Valley drafted plans in 2007 for the bridge to connect Apple Valley Road with Hesperia Road, they included Victorville staff's suggestion to meet up with Green Tree Boulevard.
But Victorville council members are now adamant that traffic can't flow onto Green Tree and over to the already-congested Seventh Street interchange. Instead, they're hoping to move the route closer to Nisqualli Road so that it can connect with the city's planned interchange there.
Council reviewed three alternatives first proposed by Victorville City Engineer Sean McGlade on Tuesday night that would likely mean "many months of biological studies."
Meanwhile, Apple Valley's Town Council approved final design work on its end of the project.
Though there have been some 30 joint planning meetings since that design work started, Apple Valley Economic Development Director Ken Henderson said it appeared Victorville's council was hearing about Yucca Loma Bridge's proposed route for the first time Tuesday.
"We can still move forward on ours no matter what," insisted Rick Roelle, Apple Valley's transportation representative. "We knew that Victorville was not going to be ready for a couple of years. We are ready now."
Apple Valley hopes to have its environmental documents approved in April, and has to commit some $30 million in bond funding by this summer or risk losing it.
"Our main goal is to get over the river now, while the cost is low and the environmentals have been approved," Roelle said.
Vi c t o r v i l l e s t a f f expressed some doubt about the town's time line, with McGlade calling it "ambitious." He pointed out the time line doesn't account for when the town will acquire the needed rights of way, which has turned out to be one of Victorville's biggest obstacles in building the La Mesa/Nisqualli interchange.
" T h e Yu cc a L o m a B r i d ge s c h e d u l e i s aggressive, but we have been successful at meeting each benchmark," Henderson said.
He added that the majority of the property in the project's right of way is publicly owned, and the town has approval of the agencies to move forward as soon as environmentals are complete.
Victorville is also questioning who will pay for the western end of the project, with all of the options crossing through unincorporated county territory before landing in Victorville.
City Manager Jim Cox argued that Spring Valley Lake residents will likely be one of the biggest users of the new road, and yet the county currently accounts for the smallest contributor to the project.
Staff also discussed Victorville's upcoming push to annex that county property into the city's borders -- which could stick Victorville with the tab for the whole west end of the project.
A meeting with officials from Victorville, Apple Valley and 1st District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt is planned Friday morning to discuss these concerns.
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