20 questions: 'Guilty pleasure? Fine wine'
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The chief executive of the German sporting goods company started as a semi-professional footballer. At his peak, the young striker helped his team win the 1976 Lower Bavarian championship. A passion for sport served Mr [Herbert Hainer] well in his subsequent career at Adidas, pushing the company ahead of local rival Puma to become the second-largest in the industry, behind Nike. Nonetheless, the recession has caused sales to fall - a trend Adidas hopes this year's World Cup will reverse.
When do you turn off your BlackBerry? Before I go to bed. What are you reading? I love crime stories, especially anything written by the Swedish author Henning Mankell and German crime stories featuring Inspector Kluftinger. What's on your iPod? I don't have one. But I enjoy listening to Joe Cocker. What is your guilty pleasure? Fine wine. What's the worst job you've ever done? Restructuring the German sales force for Adidas in 1992, which at that time consisted mainly of famous former athletes.
The chief executive of the German sporting goods company started as a semi-professional footballer. At his peak, the young striker helped his team win the 1976 Lower Bavarian championship. A passion for sport served Mr Hainer well in his subsequent career at Adidas, pushing the company ahead of local rival Puma to become the second-largest in the industry, behind Nike. Nonetheless, the recession has caused sales to fall - a trend Adidas hopes this year's World Cup will reverse.
How would your PA describe you? I asked her. She said: "Impatient and focused." Did you ever think you would end up where you are? No. But I am grateful that I did. What do you like most about your job? It enables me to attend the greatest sports events in the world, like Fifa World Cups and Olympic Games - a wonderful treat for a sports fan like myself. And least? Making decisions that negatively impact other people's lives - thankfully it does not happen that often.
When do you turn off your BlackBerry? Before I go to bed. What are you reading? I love crime stories, especially anything written by the Swedish author Henning Mankell and German crime stories featuring Inspector Kluftinger. What's on your iPod? I don't have one. But I enjoy listening to Joe Cocker. What is your guilty pleasure? Fine wine. What's the worst job you've ever done? Restructuring the German sales force for Adidas in 1992, which at that time consisted mainly of famous former athletes.
What is the smartest business idea you have ever had? Opening a pub in Lower Bavaria while I was still a student. First because I was able to sell the pub with a profit after a year. But more importantly because that's where I met my wife.
Who has been your biggest influence? Christian Tourres, who together with Robert Louis-Dreyfus was instrumental in the turnround of the Adidas brand in the 1990s.
What is your Golden Rule? Work hard and be nice to people. When did you last lose your temper at work? In 2007, going to the Super Bowl in Miami. We ended up with a driver who didn't know his way round while everybody else seemed to find the stadium easily.
Have you ever praised an employee and not meant it? No. I am a pretty straightforward guy.
If you hadn't been in business, what would you have done? I would have loved to become a professional football player - but it turned out I wasn't quite good enough.
What is your most hated business expression? "Think global, act local" - it's not as simple as that. It is a constant challenge for any global business to find the right balance between the two.
Has your job made your personal life suffer? Yes and no. Yes because of pressure, long hours in the office and lots of business trips. No, because it has opened up opportunities I wouldn't have had without it. What is the most treasured possession in your office? The match ball for the final of the 2010 Fifa World Cup - because very few people have seen it yet. When do you want to retire? Not before 2015 - that's how long my current contract runs.